April Wang

Ms. Wang’s practice field mainly focuses on Company Law, Contract Law, Investment and Financing, Mergers and Acquisitions. She is familiar with corporate restructuring contract drafting, as well as the company establishment and change, etc. Moreover, she has participated in many share purchase, M&A, and financing projects for foreign companies. Ms. Wang assists clients design project structure, drafts due diligence reports and transaction documents, and completes the closing matters. Moreover, Ms. Wang serves as a member of the ethics committee of the biological, pharmaceutical and medical institutions, and provides legal and commercial advice for the company’s development.


At the same time, Ms. Wang also has rich experience in the field of family and commercial arbitration and litigation. She provides relevant legal services for the clients for family and inheritance disputes. Ms. Wang maintains good communication with the clients and she has been praised by the clients for many times.


Field:Healthcare & Life Sciences,Bankruptcy, Reorganization & Liquidation,Corporate, M&A

Phone: +86 21 6249 6040 * 167

Email: wangyaping@jinmao.com.cn

Language: Chinese,English

Personal Background:
Ms. Wang graduates from University of Groningen, Netherlands in 2013, and received a LL.M degree in international commercial law and economic law, and is currently an Attorney-at-Law of Jin Mao Law Firm.
Served Clients: