Rogers Wu has 10+ years manufacturing working experience at DuPont/INVISTA positioned as EHS Manager, Operations Manager, Project Resource as well as in-house counsel. He is experienced on providing legal service to the clients at EHS areas including but not limited to:
Project permitting (feasibility study, project approval, land permit, EIA, OH & safety assessment, construction permit, project acceptance permit, etc)
Right-to-operate permitting (environmental protection, occupational health, safety, fire protection, special equipments dangerous chemicals, etc)
EHS system setup and optimization, EHS training to leadership/management and EHS professionals.
EHS due diligence, EHS compliance/regulatory audit
Labor relationship (employment contract, intellectual property protection, labor disputes)
On-job injury and occupational illness handling
Administrative review, arbitration and litigation
Rogers’ outstanding and unique experience in EHS legal service will bring added value to the clients.